last edited Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:55:49 GMT
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Links to not equate to endorsements. Explore at your own discretion.
Security direct link to this section
- Linux Security Hardening and Other Tweaks
- Windows Hardening Guide
- Minimum Password Settings
- DevSecOps Resource List
- Cryptography Hardening
- Netsec Wiki
PenTesting direct link to this section
- hacktricks Carlos Polop is the author behind linPEAS and other tools
- great search index and video tutorials
- portswigger in depth explanation of different vulnerabilites with practice modules
- Mobile Hacking Cheatsheet
- Reverse Engineering Course
- Default Credentials Cheetsheet
- Reverse shell Generator
- Sec Lists mailing list
- DNS Dumpster recon
- greynoise
- cyber chef encoding/decoding utility
- SQLize
- Building a Home Lab for OFFSEC
Vulnerabilities and Exploits
- Downfall Information exposure through microarchitectural state after transient execution in certain vector execution units for some Intel(R) Processors
- TunnelCrack
- flatkill
- Exploit Database
- Exploit Alert
- CVE Details
- 0 Day Today
OSINT direct link to this section
- Bellingcat investigative collective working with journalists
- Infooze recon tool
- Blackbird searches for usernames accross 581 sites
- geOSINT analyzes the geolocation of photos
- sterraxcyl analyzes instagram followers and metadata
- TinEye reverse image search engine
- netcraft scanner find hosting information
- Sofia Santos tutorials and walkthroughs
- Open Source Munitions Portal
- see the history of Twitter profile username changes
- hatless1lder
- websleuths
Blogs direct link to this section
- yurichev
- Ciphers by Ritter Extensive information about cryptography from a seasoned professional
- Matt Blaze Computer Science Professor and Reseacher, extensive articles on cryptography included.
- Bruce Schneier Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc.
- Brian Krebs
- Neal Krawetz specializes in photo forensics
- madaidan's insecurities security researcher who contributes to development of WhoNix
- invisible things the blog of Joanna Rutkowska, a security resaecher with 10+ years of experience who contributes to QubesOS
- sizeofcat
- secret club
- Project Zero updates from Google's elite research team
- Nihilism Network
- System Overlord
- Sarah Jamie Lewis security and privacy researcher
- sanjaymenon Security Researcher and technophile
- Lesley Carhart manages incident response at Dragos with decades of experience
- Unsupervised Learning
Research direct link to this section
- TrafficSilver website fingerprinting with traffic splitting
Privacy direct link to this section
- hackliberty offers services such as pastebin and matrix
- privacyguides good for newbies or casual laymen
- anonymousplanet no longer maintained by the original project lead
- digdeeper several well written articles with a MUC you can join
- eldritchdata
- Spyware Watchdog
- No Trace Project
- Someplace Else
Services direct link to this section
- nixnet offers git and XMPP, servers are hosted in Finland and Luxembourg
- wiuwiu XMPP server (based in Germany)
- Quad 9 open DNS
- Shadow IM XMPP server (based in Germany)
- Magic Broccoli XMPP server (based in Germany)
- Join Matrix guide for newbies
- Tatsumoto's List of Matrix Servers
- 404 City another aggregated list of active XMPP servers
- Your Data for Sale XMPP
Development direct link to this section
You know what they say; modern software development is just web development with electron.
- Key CDN Tools troubleshooting tools
- W3 Schools great resource to start out with web development basics
- includes common layouts and patterns - this project is run by Chrome developers
- Modern CSS great resource for snippets
- Smol CSS
- HTML Recipes
- CSS-Tricks
- Mozilla Developer Docs
- stylestage showcase your CSS skills
- Jamstack WTF Jamstack explained like you're (almost) five
- 11ty Recipes
- PHP The Right Way
- PHP Tutorial
- Eloquent Javascript
- DevDocs API Documentation
Fonts direct link to this section
Say no to Google and Adobe fonts!
- Modern Font Stacks
- Use Modify a collection of punk typefaces
- Variable Fonts
- Open Source Typefaces
- Libre Fonts by Women
- Velvetyne
- fonderie
- Unicode Characters
- Death of Typography Singaporean collective
- Velvetyne Libre Friends Open Source Font Foundrys
Blogs direct link to this section
- codinghorror Jeff Atwood is the co-founder of stackoverflow
- 0x19
- Chris Coyier co-founder of CodePen and creator of css-tricks
- Won't Fix Rich Felker is the primary author of the musl library
- Frederick Morlock ML researcher
- Bob Cromwell Sysadmin with extensive knowledge of various topics
Public Access Unix Systems direct link to this section
- tildeverse collection of pubnixes Contacting the sysadmin for registration may be necessary
- envs minimal shared nix server offering a variety of services
- dataswamp invite only nix system running OpenBSD
- tildetown
- Ctrl-C Club runs Ubuntu and offers irc
- Texto Plano spanish based pubnix
- Thunix running Debian Stable
- Fedora based pubnix
- freeBSD
- openBSD
- Ubuntu LTS
- Ubunntu LTS
- marigold town sites are themed to fit the overall town or site structure
- exozy
- cat-v considered harmful
Hosting Providers and DNS Registars direct link to this section
Wikis and Gardens direct link to this section
Caufield makes clear digital gardening is not about specific tools – it's not a Wordpress plugin, Gastby theme, or Jekyll template. It's a different way of thinking about our online behaviour around information - one that accumulates personal knowledge over time in an explorable space.
-maggie appleton
- permacomputing wiki co-run by viznut and urnm
- wiki dedicated to the solarpunk movement
- Vitamin D Wiki everything and anything you possibility couldn't know about Vitamin D
- bootstrapping wiki building compilers and interpreters from scratch
- Crime Museum information on various high profile cases
- wikiwiki web
- Shadow Wiki focused on privacy and security
- wikispooks encyclopaedia of deep politics
- How Many Plants? everything about plant care
- Rosetta Code
- Garden Gate
- Bot Wiki
Personal direct link to this section
- mrshll
- Gwern independent researcher with comprehensive information on Bitcoin and darknet markets
- viznut old school demoscene artist
- mycelial technology
- hraew autophagy
- federated wiki Mark's federated wiki
- avanier
- Wiley Wiggins
- Helvetica Blanc
- caffeine wiki
- Devine Lu Linvega
- metasyn
- Brendan Gregg CPU benchmarking
- Gogledd Orllewin
- Kaeforest uses foam and 11ty like athena
- nchrs personal site of Clemens Scott
- Thomasorus webdev wizard
- s-ol hardware hacking
- nomand another hacker with a sailboat
- Nikita Voloboev
- マリウス
Webrings direct link to this section
- lainchan webring
- xxiivv webring
- safonts
- fediring
- indieweb
- a11y club
- uses
- darktheme club
- melanated
- gossip's web
- low-tech webring
- 1 mb club
- Exo Webring
- Bucket Webring
- Fujofans
Link Directories direct link to this section
Forums direct link to this section
- Lobsters computing-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion
- Orchid Board if you have killed as many orchids as I have then this is the place for you
- privacy guides forum
- GrapheneOs discussion forum
- Malleable Systems Collective
- Solar Punk Net
Zines and Publications direct link to this section
- NODE embedded projects
- Low-Tech Magazine solar powered, literally
- phrack archives of the original publication spanning back years
Educational direct link to this section
- CrypTool visualize different cryptographic algorithms
- Z Library
- Stanford CS Education Library
- Algorithms For Competitive Programming
- The Linux Documentation Project
- Hacking History
Archives direct link to this section
- Bastard Operator From Hell recommended to me
- BOFH backup link
- Anna's Archive
- Blackhat Archives
Other direct link to this section
- Not By AI
- thispersondoesnotexist
- darkfail aggregated list of onion networks (clearnet link)
- HTML Hell someone had to say it
- website carbon calculator calculates the carbon footprint of a domain
- Critical Engineering Manifesto
- Does my Site Need HTTPS?
- Cyberdeck Cafe
- creep js fingerprinting